Thursday, October 1, 2015

No Vietnam Service medal or Vietnam campaign medal on DD-214 or DD-215 means you didn't earn it.

A lot of posers out there claiming Vietnam service but none have proof of service in Vietnam.  Any clown can buy a bunch of medals then claim service or awards never issued to them.  I caught this one idiot claiming Vietnam service with a wall full of medals including a purple heart medal behind him but has no verifiable documented proof of it when called out on them.  Below is a photo of this clown. 

Here's a link to this clowns webpage:

If you read the above link it seems this poser is jealous of Purple Heart parking spaces for those who received a Purple Heart while in service and get to park up front like the handicap.  I guess he has no shame in buying his phony medals off ebay and posing in front of them with other medals he never earned.  He brags about Vietnam service he never had, Marine recon which he was never part of, and ANY overseas assignments which he never had.  Going after real wounded veterans who earned the Purple Heart and given special parking spaces to honor their sacrifice is really a slap in the face to real heroes, and NO Marine or veteran would complain about that. 

His blog is called:  Disabled Vet Speaking FREELY…With NO Apologies!          


 He then goes on to say:





People need to start calling these posers out for what they are.  The guy calls himself Mike the Recon marine.  Was never in recon.  He was a marine but never gives a valid MOS.

Marine Recon, yeah sure.

Vietnam vet.  Hardly!

This is directly from Mike's blog.  When you click on his photo on his blog he starts right off with. 

"So, who am I? Just call me Mike. I’m 62-yrs old, and I’m a disabled Vietnam vet. I served my country honorably as a U.S. Marine from 1971-1973.

Just call him Mike he says. 

On his blog he says the following.

Now, if I haven’t scared y’all away by now – I do welcome opposing views here. If you reply, it will NOT be posted immediately. I have my settings to be notified via email if and when someone does comment. I am NOT sanitizing or “censoring” comments, either. The reason I read them prior to posting is to ensure they don’t contain personal threats against anyone or any group, reveal personal info about anyone, etc. If they’re ‘clean’ in that respect, they’ll usually be posted in their entirety within 24-hours.

The above statement sounds more like Mike is not really on the "up and up" on his "one sided blog."  He sanitizes All comments before or if he even posts them.  Claims he wants to protect against personal threats and or personal information on anyone, especially his own lies.

Then Mike goes on to say.

Additionally, this is NOT a debate blog. If you’re a libtard troll just looking for a verbal fight, go play elsewhere. If ya have a half-way, intelligent rebuttal to any of my posts, fine. Go ahead and comment. Just be forewarned, that ya better have your facts together, or I’ll publicly rip your opposing argument-s to shreds in a future post.

Tough talk for a lying hypocrite.  Ask him to post the facts of his Vietnam service, medals he was authorized via his dd-214 or a dd-215.  He needs to take off his Vietnam vet cap and replace it with an "I'm a Poser hat". 


Guess Mike has no shame.  For an ex-marine that never served a second overseas this is pretty pathetic.  Kind of a shame to call himself a marine too. 

Interesting Census Stats and “Been There” Wanabees:1,713,823 of those who served in Vietnam were still alive as of August, 1995 (census figures).
During that same Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served was: 9,492,958.
As of the current Census taken during August, 2000, the surviving U.S. Vietnam Veteran population estimate is: 1,002,511. This is hard to believe, losing nearly 711,000 between ’95 and ’00. That’s 390 per day. During this Census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country is: 13,853,027. By this census, FOUR OUT OF FIVE WHO CLAIM TO BE VIETNAM VETS ARE NOT.

This is an insult to those of us who actually served in Vietnam.  Taking credit for others accomplishments in both service and awards.