Monday, November 23, 2015

"Just call me Mike" Claims he doesn't have to prove anything to anyone on his Vietnam veteran status.


Mike doesn't care what you think.  He has no problem violating the Stolen Valor act with claims of medals he never won or being a Vietnam veteran.  Now that's pathetic coming from anyone once wearing the Marine uniform.  He seems to operate with impunity on his blog and when his own BS catches up with him he starts name calling those that he once name called asking the same questions.


It seems someone named "Bob" emailed Mike on his blog webpage and asked him proof of his being a Vietnam veteran.  Mike defended his position saying he didn't have to prove anything to anyone and went on to make excuses of why.   Yet he says on his blog below he has no use for posers but has no problem doing it himself.  Read his blog below:

Mike goes on to say: Now, let me say from the start here, that I got no use whatsoever for military (or LEO) posers. You know, those sorry fucks that claim they served when they really didn’t, and/or who served and claim (as well as display), medals, ribbons, awards, etc that they were never awarded; or who may claim they were RECON, SEALS, RANGERS, and other “special ops” while in service.

I guess his response only counts for everyone else but him as the photo shows above.  Posing in front of medals he DID NOT EARN.

He also went quickly to his "about me" page and changed his Vietnam veteran statement to Vietnam Era veteran.  Click the link:

His blog comment from Nov 4th still reads:  "Now, God knows, as a disabled Vietnam vet myself, I’m as pro-military as they come."  Sure Mike pull the other one, it's got bells on it.

Bob's simple question to Mike was:  “Mike, I’m distressed that there’s been some questions about your service. Would you please be so kind as to post a copy of your DD-214 (you can redact, you know, magic marker out the truly personal details) to this site to prove your detractors are mistaken?”

Mike's rude answer to a fellow Marine was:  Hey, ‘Bobbie’, would you be so kind as to KISS MY HAIRY ASS!! You don’t say what “questions” have been asked (not that they’d matter anyway, as I’ve learned that people are gonna believe what the fuck they wanna believe, so I’ve neither the time or inclination to undergo any ‘poser police’ interrogations to “prove” jack shit to ANYONE!  

Poser police Mike?  Like those trying to expose a REAL POSER like you.

Most real combat veterans and other veterans or current military know how to expose these phonies.  Ask about what unit they were with, where they served overseas, locations, and in what capacity, others of their platoon who they knew, their MOS, military armament or technical equipment they used and were trained on, their rank, training schools before deployment, names of bases they were at, etc.

You know you have a poser when they start dancing around the questions and get pissed off at you for daring to ask anything.  Again you can't prove a negative.  Therefore if they refuse to give simple answers to at least the above questions they have no credibility. 


Most honorable veterans have no problem verifying their real service to other veteran brothers who ask.  The poser barks all their BS on facebook and private blogs but when called to task on any of it they either run and hide or defend themselves with Mike's type of comments.  Vietnam vet posers are the worst.  To hear some of their BS you'd think they won the war all by themselves.  They know nothing of REAL war or REAL loss.  They walk around now with hats and shirts and wearing ribbons or medals declaring what they are but won't even have a civil conversation with another veteran without losing it.  They lose it because of guilt and answers they can't give you because they'd be exposed for what they are...POSERS and IMPOSTORS.


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Just Call Me Mike.

Phony Vietnam Vet takes praise for Vietnam vet status he never earned.  When you go to his private blog and click on his photo of him with the cane, in his own words he lies with no conscience and accepts praise from ignorant followers who comment on his lies.  Click link below, or photo above to enlarge it.  Count his medals and look them up.  From Mike's "About Me" on his webpage:  So, who am I? Just call me Mike. I’m 62-yrs old, and I’m a disabled Vietnam vet. I served my country honorably as a U.S. Marine from 1971-1973

Vietnam Vet Mike?  NOT.....

Reading one of the comments it reads:  Robert on said:
Mike: First, thank you for your service, Second, Welcome Home, Third, keep up the fight and Last, the fight for freedom is never ending and not free. Drive On!

A welcome home comment to a Real Vietnam veteran is usually one made to one who actually served in Vietnam, overseas in some capacity.  Not for a poser, wanabe who wants to take credit for others sacrifices.  One who actually served overseas then comes back home.  Not one who served stateside and never left the Continental U.S.

Mike addresses Robert's comment with: grunt0351 on said:
Robert, you’re welcome – and thanks much for the recognition, though I have many brothers who are more worthy than myself who did NOT make it back. Thanks again, and SEMPER FI!

Can you believe this poser, frauds answer?  Your damn right Mike there are those more worthy than your lying self who did not make it back.  "Thanks much for your Recognition" he goes on to say.  Yeah, I'll bet Mike does.  He loves the attention of the ignorant who praises his non-service as a REAL Vietnam veteran.   This Mike guy is a real tool. 

Look at this phony's face.  Must have got a free meal for that hat.  Notice the Vietnam veteran service ribbons below his Marine Veteran logo.  Did he earn the Vietnam service medal or ribbon in the center or the Vietnam Campaign ribbon or medal on the lower right.  I think NOT poser.

Mike posing as Marine Recon.  Posing is the keyword here.  Yeah welcome home Mike.  From your stateside base.  Let's see your "war face"  Phony. 
Seems like this poser Mike doesn't have much respect for real Purple Heart recipients either.
He seems to have a beef with signs in parking areas going up saying, reserved for Wounded Warriors and Purple Heart recipients.  What he doesn't understand is these areas are out of respect for those who were wounded in the line of duty, serving their country.  They don't have to show ANY outward signs of missing limbs, wheelchair bound, etc.  It's simply out of respect and honor. 
Here's his blog link to his pissing and moaning about having to run into a reserved Purple Heart or Wounded Warrior parking spot.
I'd like to know just what Marine or other service member past or present would bitch about extending an honor to a Purple Heart recipient for a parking spot.  Mike doesn't like it because he claims it cannot be enforced by the police because it isn't governed by a law like regular handicap spaces.  Hey Mike it isn't for regular handicap individuals only.  It's for Purple Heart recipients, and Wounded Warriors, to honor them. 
Mike goes onto say on his above link:  "Personally, as a disabled vet,  I’d prefer not to have these spots. Handicapped locations are preferable, as my sacrifice was no greater than a wounded fireman, police officer, etc. We all protect and serve in different ways."
What sacrifice Mike?

Then Mike goes on to say:  "and let’s be honest here – there are a LOT of military ‘posers’ out there. So, some sorry POS who has never served in the military could park in one of these “Wounded Warrior” or “Purple Heart” spots and so what? If someone (like myself) happens to see ’em, and challenge ’em on it, they could LEGALLY tell me to go “fuck myself…it ain’t none of my business!” Other than maybe whacking the poser up side the head with my cane, what could I LEGALLY do? Call a cop? NOPE!! Since the signs are unregulated and not endorsed by the State, there’s not a fuckin’ thing in the FSS (Fla. State Statutes) that a cop could enforce!! Now, perhaps the business (since its considered private property), could challenge the person – and/or ask them to leave the premises if they refused to “prove” they were really “wounded” in the military – but that would be skating on very thin legal ice."

Who is Mike the Vietnam vet poser who stands in front of his Purple Heart and other medals on his wall going to challenge anyone on anything?  Big badass going to whack someone upside the head with your cane.  Are you kidding me.   Where's your proof Mike?  Obviously you can't prove a negative.
Mike is worried about a Purple Heart or Wounded Warrior taking a parking space that he feels he should have marked as Handicap Only.  Again he doesn't get these signs are as an honor to those who actually earned a Purple Heart or actual Wounded Warriors.  Being incapacitated is not a prerequisite. 

This is Just Call Me Mike's latest challenge to his being called out on his Vietnam veteran status:

Seems a guy named Bob called Mike out on his proving his service and Vietnam veteran claims.  Well just read the sarcastic, defensive response he gave.  This guy Mike has NO HONOR at all.